Keshi is the god, or goddess, of the party and lord of the undeath. Most of the gods look down on him for his hobbies. Pumpell and him are constantly in conflict with one another.
His forms can be that of a beautiful, seductive woman or a rotting man. |
 Spinal is the old man of the sea and the howling winds of the air. With good humor, he receives his followers. With great wrath does he take out thoughs he is displeased with.
Always seen as an old man with bright red hair, he can also take on the appearance of flying fish or kingfishers. |
 Pumpell is the word of reason to the mortals. Everyone is entitled to live, but not forever. She is judge and jury to these facts and holds fast to this responsibility.
Pumpell holds fast to her form of a woman, tall and slender. She refuses to take on other forms. |
 Morion holds a record of everything. In the War of Kurain, he feared the destruction of all of his recorded history and nature, so he sided with reason when Alabandine presented it to him.
Morion's form is always shrouded in a seven layered cloak all depicting different colors. |
 Sard is the still speaker for the gods. His words always speaks true, always, and yet few listen to him. Time and again the world seems to hurt him and yet he silently bares the fact that it did not need to be this way. So, in all reverence, he pulls all the pain into himself. All the world's sorrow, he bares them alone and with the few brave enough to worship him.
Sard takes on the appearince of a thin elven man, sometimes horned, many times not. From his eyes, nose and ears he bleeds the black |
 Pearl is the all mother to the elves. She is kind and gentle, but also vengeful. She takes care of her own and trusts her children with a guiding light in the darkness.
Pearl is depicted as a beautiful, elven woman. If she wanted to, she can make herself appear to be any woodland creature, but they will always have a bit of purple on them so not to con anyone. |
"Take up your bow, whatever it looks like, and live."
Bort-Keshi's lathargic servent of graves. He is to guard them by keeping them from robbers or undeath, but Keshi freely takes and gives from his graves as he pleases.
He is happy with his human form or that of an armadillo.
Azurite-Morion's record keeper. As most things pertaining to Morion, little is known about Azurite. Those that worship him do so just long enough to find a well informed master, as it is said Azurite will lead you to one.
His form is unknown.
Roseline- Pearl's goddess of grace and beauty.
She takes on the form of a beautiful woman, or any creature that will bring muse to the wanting.
Pleonest- Spinel's god of rivers and all that lives in or on it.
He takes on the form of a river leviathan.
Onyx- Overseer of shadows. Pumpell has him be her eyes in how to properly judge the dead or gift the living.
He takes on the form of a raven.
Obsidian- Sard's personal bard. He is also known as guilt, obsession and regret. Most that worship Obsidian do not know that they do. If one seeks out Obsidian most likely want his power to press onto others.
His form is unknown, but some say he is the very mold that grows on one that refuses to move forward.