Chasing Shadows
Of Three Kingdoms
Xalaxxi is broken up into three large kingdoms. They all circle an area of neutral space given way to all kinds of wilds. This area is called The Natural Territory that surround the vast majority of the continent. While tension is steady among each group, there is, currently, no ongoing confrontation.
Razmor has two parts to their nation. As true for their god, Jacinth and goddess Pearl, the drawves and elves have a beautiful relationship with one another. They work in harmony with one another. Dwarves work the land and under the hills and mountains, while the elves live in the skies on their ships and the floating islands raised from the sea too long ago for anyone to remember. They are the largest nation, and rumored to be the first to break away from the ancient bonds of the Marezzrix. Their memory goes back further than anyone, but seem more then content to stay in their holes or castles in the sky.
The dwarven capital lays just within the side of the topless mountain, Poemis, named Thazmobelyn. Since the death of their king, Lady Kivrobela Deepshoulder, King Afruk Deepshoulder’s only known heir, took the thrown. She is known to be mild mannered in comparison to most of her kinsman, but never to be fooled. She is stubborn and unmoving just as the mountains she lives under.
The elven capital is set over the peeks of the Steel Toe mountains. Few have seen her, but she is rumored to be a woman of great beauty. Her form is as delicate as a spring flower and her skin is as rich honey or as deep tones of volcanic glass. She resides in the sky island Xiomara in the capital city of Rania. Her name is Sky Queen Enania Izel. She has given over her daughter, Aleesia es Izel, to the mission for the Natural Territory.
In saying that, there are rumors that the elves had the most connection with Marezzrix then any other country or race. It is also said that they keep a keen eye on the Natural Territory from there advantageous perch. It’s hard to know how much truth in those rumors or if they are words of those jealous of the elves having the best land for seasons as well as long life.
Sashin live in the fertile grounds away from the Miz lake and only claim a small part of the River Coshinta. Over the years, they have tamed much of the jungles to make the land farmable. Of all the nations of Xalaxxi, they seem the most tame and peaceable, though much of their conflict comes from the fay that live close to their settlement. Allocation of land seems to be in disagreement among them.
Sashin is a group of smaller land owners all unified by a court of representatives. The central city is in the center of the Sashin land. It is called Berke and the residence of their long living, human leader Nihat Baybasin. While the power that he holds is very little on his own, the country seems to be holding their breath knowing that his number of heirs wait on edge for his passing so that they can vide for their place and the remainder dispersed as dukes in the other sections of their kingdom.
Lixzin have two main islands, Preda and Zor. Their capital, Cinca, is on Xalaxxi itself, right across the straight from Preda, despite their island nationality. Their power is mostly naval. They have eyed the mainland and feel wronged for being shoved out on the small islands while the other two nations benefited from the warmth of the main land. Of all the nations, they seem to have the most reason to be volatile, but King Mosovici Cinca understands their limits as an island nation their distinct lack of resources.
While Sashin is almost all human, Lixzin has a strange mix of humans, a few humans and a race of half elves that call themselves the Salt Bloods, as they believe that their other half was born from the sea foam. Sure enough, some of those half elves show both physical colorations and aspects normally found in the ocean as well as bazar abilities.